Survivalist Gameplay Ep1
Dragon Fire

Yo yo wazzup everybody it’s Dragon Fire here to give you another video plus overview and my opinion of the game! Today I have some gameplay and I’ll later have another part because I don’t believe 10 minutes is long enough to have a good opinion on a game, the game I am making gameplay about is Survivalist.

So to overview what happened, we play as Joe (Wheeler) and we run out of food (and water). We then go out to scavage some food and water, once we gotten food, we go investigate the S.O.S signal, which leads us to Alice (Ivers) that is/was trapped in a wire fence. Once we save her (and killed her infected sister, Rosetta Ivers) we go get her some water from the water tower, then go to a town named Sienna which there we find Isham (Seely) and that’s where we end the video.

My opinion, the game graphicly is not bad but not great.  The gameplay is awesome and  the level skill system is also awesome. The game seems realistic and has a great building system to me which will be in the next video. Once again this was Dragon Fire here, untell next time, peace.